As ths fundamental reproductve rght contnues to e stgmatzed and jeopardzed, over sxty artsts and wrters have created comcs that oldly share ther own experences, and educate readers on the hstory of aorton, current poltcal struggles, actvsm, and more. Lawyers, actvsts, medcal professonals, hstorans, and aorton fund volunteers have teamed up wth cartoonsts and llustrators to share ther knowledge n accessle comcs form.
The stores n Comcs for Choce showcase a wde range of aorton experences from a dverse array of voces: trans voces, older voces, actvst voces―relatale voces. Wth passonate pen strokes, artsts share hghly personal, movng, and even funny stores that defy stgma and stereotypes. From the days of llegal aorton servces, to natonwde legalzaton, to modern-day struggles of clnc closures and unequal access, contrutors gve an entertanng prmer on the hstory of aorton n Amerca, and how far we stll have to go. Readers wll e encouraged to get nvolved―standng up for aorton rghts, fghtng aorton stgma, makng lnks etween ntersectng forms of oppresson, and learnng aout reproductve justce.